Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Some Islamic websites that need to be avoided

Before seeing these ridiculous websites, you might want to read the following first:

Something we have to realize is that certain Islamic websites will twist Islam to their liking. They will quote verses out of context, and they will rely on salafi/wahhabi hadiths, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the topic about women.

So let's begin. This first one if called, and it is absolutely horrible. Not only does the Maulana (unfortunately) misquote several Quran verses and rely on salafi/wahhabi hadiths, he attacks pro gender equality Muslims and equates them with wanting sex. If you want to puke see here: They have a whole section on women, and it is the usual stupidity of them being needed to be burka covered housewives and be segregated from society.

The website has several sections literally attacking women. It shows nothing positive about women, it only quotes anti-women hadiths (many of which aren't even sahih/reliable). It also holds, for some reason, very stupid assumptions about women. Like see here:

The link talks about dominating and controlling women! LOL. It is hilarious to see a hardline right wing Islamic website cry about dominating women! Did you all also see the part of them accusing women of loving facebook and ignoring their duties? Literally, how screwed up can these morons get?

The second one is called The Muslim Woman. It is a Saudi based website, and again, has the usual women needing to be burka covered housewives because the authors say so because they read Islam.
*EDIT*- It turns out this website has closed down! Thank Allah for that!

This last one (for now) is based out of South Africa, called the Majlis. This website is very anti-salafi, which normally would be a good thing. However, these guys are pretty screwed up, since deobandis are just as mental. I first noticed this in 2012, when it launched a fiery of fatwas against Muslim women who played at the Olympics. The mufti called them "prostitutes". That's when I know this was a screwed up website (fatwa is the last link).
These people are extreme. They use the "shaytaan", "biddah", "kuffar", and "mushrikeen" card consistently. The admin of the website clearly has mental issues. Have a look at these fatwas, it might make Islam QA look liberal to you!