Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Great video by Mufti Abu Layth on hijab not being mandatory for Muslim women

The amount of scholars who say hijab is not mandatory continues to rise. Mufti Abu Layth here, is another one who perfectly explains how hijab is merely Arab culture, because no where in the Quran or in any authentic hadith is there a ruling for women to cover their heads.

The Mufti also goes into detail about insecure men who obsess about hijab. They feel guilty about their own sins, so they try to impose "Islam" on others. He also explains the "burka or bikini" argument used by these insecure men (and the self hating, holier than thou, self righteous females).

Sure, he himself doesn't look like a traditional mufti, but he is one, and his looks shouldn't negate his views.

Anyways, here is the video: