Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Hijab is not in the Quran whether you like it or not

NOTE: If Muslim women want to wear hijab out of free will, then they should go for it.

This is my 6th of 7th post on this and I feel like I need to keep telling people this (especially from people where hijab is always associated with virginity and piety (so Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi, and Yemen)).

As I have mentioned many times, hijab hasn't existed in many Muslim cultures, like the Mughal Empire. This is why many Muslim women from the Indian subcontinent don't wear it (or loosely wear it), except for prayer. This is how it has been for over a thousand years. Only now do you see insecure men and brainwashed self-hating women from Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh claiming it has always been a part of the culture and religion.

Conservative Muslims usually argue the evidence for hijab from the Quran, because there isn't any reliable hadith material that advocates for hijab. They try and break down the Arabic words to prove head covering is there, because the fact is Allah never flat out directly says "cover your hair". That is why these conservatives go through so much work and hastle to show hair covering is there. However, there are a significant amount of Muslim websites and videos that show there is nothing about head covering in the Quran, and they also break down the Arabic root and plural words.

The following are Quran-alone websites. I have not linked to them before, as the ten or twelve sources on my other posts about hijab not being mandatory are all from non-hadith rejecting websites. I feel like a change is needed for people to realize hijab is just not in the Quran, and I will use Quranist websites for this post. To some it might seem more clear. Even if you do not reject hadiths, still see the arguments in the websites and see the evidence against covering the head. If you wear a hijab, or support the view it is mandatory, you need to accept the fact that you know what, the argument of it being not mandatory is pretty solid and holds weight, whether you like it or not.

So anyways here they are: (surprisingly, this one is a little conservative. It still says head covering is not required, but it might be if women beautify themselves a way which causes attraction. I have to disagree with this because as I have mentioned before, hair cannot cause sexual arousal in men. The site also goes on to say arms and shoulders need to be covered. However, I disagree with this part also. Shoulders and arms do not cause sexual arousal either). (very lengthy and detailed) (interesting as it uses science to prove its point). (interesting note at the end where the author concludes that women can show the head, hands, face, feet, ankles, and forearms. He gets this from the Quran). (this one says hijab is clearly arabic culture, and arab supremacists are shoving the hijab idea down everyone's throat).

A few points I want to make:
1) Hair is not a sexual organ. It is not a vagina or breasts. So we need to stop treating it like a sexual part. As for arms, it makes no sense how that is sexualized (since it falls into the conservative orthodox definition of "awrah" for women). If a woman rolls up her sleeves to do a task, is she now sinning? It makes no sense.

2) Conservative Muslims say hijab is necessary because a woman's beauty needs to be covered. If a Muslim woman is beautiful, so be it. Get over it and move on. It is stupid to tell women to dress up because others might find her attractive. It is stupid to make women self conscious that she is attracting attention of males. It is stupid to call men "cucks" if their wives or sisters don't wear hijab (a sick game played by psychotic Muslims these days). Also, women in hijab can look beautiful too (not talking about those who wear hijab but also wear tight and revealing clothes. I'm talking about those who have radiant faces. I'm talking about women in hijab who look beautiful). What are you going to say about this? How are you going to deconstruct this fact?

3) Islam says to be modest. Modesty varies from culture and place. What was modest in 7th century desert Arabia was to fit the norms at the time. Muslims, especially conservative Muslim men, need to realize this.

4) Not wearing hijab does NOT mean the woman is irreligious. Many Muslim women (I mentioned this before about Muslim women from the Indian subcontinent) do not wear hijab yet will put anyone to shame with their piety, honesty, tawheed, taqwa, and so forth. This MUST be realized by conservative Muslims.

5) MANY times, wearing hijab makes NO DIFFERENCE at all when it comes to being beautiful. It can add to beauty, or do nothing at all. So you can shelve that argument how hijab "hides" a woman's beauty. Women in hijab look beautiful all the time, and also, a woman's lips, eyes, and facial structure can be FAR more attractive than hair or arms. As a matter of fact, hijab forces men to look at the faces of women, and the mentioned features can cause men to be attracted to Muslim women.

6) No one pays more attention to the dress and appearance of Muslim women than other Muslims. No one. Muslim women wear western clothes here in Canada and travel and no one cares. No "kuffar" actively scans her body. It is only judgmental Muslim men and Muslim women who notice body shapes and skin that not even the woman knows about. How stupid can these judgmental backwards Muslims be? It is Muslim men who scan bodies of Muslim women, and it is their wives who do the exact same. It is they who cast fatwas on how "tight" or "revealing" her clothes are. Do non Muslims do that? No. They don't even notice or pay attention. This just shows how ridiculous Muslims can be. The Muslims who obsess about how Muslim women should dress and appear are suffering from mental degeneracy. There are no other words to describe this.

7) It is so sad that so many Muslims cannot respect Muslim women who don't wear hijab. It is sad how much faith Muslims put into the clothing of women. You will not find people of other religions doing this. This shows how backwards and nonsensical Muslims can be.

8) Even if you do believe hijab is a mandatory part of Islam, it still is NOT a core value of the religion. It is NOT one of the 5 pillars, it is NOT mentioned as a huge sin, it is NOT mentioned as a great big deed, and it is NOT mentioned in any of the classical scholarly texts about Islam from scholars who focus on orthodoxy, and what it means to be an orthodox Muslim. Orthodox Islamic scholarship places a heavy focus on spirituality, which is essentially the main part of Islam.