A lot of Muslims began following MMA or UFC (don't know the difference and I don't really care) closely after Khabib beat Connor McGregor. Muslims were celebrating Khabib's victory because McGregor said something about Muslims.
Yet, these Muslims fail to realize all of this mixed martial arts fighting is HARAAM. You really think Allah supports these "fighters" for making millions of dollars to break the bones of others? And what about the awrah of these men? They are exposing what they are supposed to cover, yet no one cares!
This is the selective "halaal and haraam" Muslim men engage in. What Khabib does is haraam. However, since he is a male, it is much easier to get away by sinning without the haraam police coming at you.
Imagine a FEMALE Muslim fighter. What do you think the response would be? I know, it would go something exactly like this "ASTAGHFIRULLAH, where is this woman's shame? Where is the shame of her brother and father? How can they let her go out like this?"