There has been a crazy trend in the last few years where the sight of a Muslim woman is automatically termed as "tabarruj", and her male relatives are "dayooth" who have no "gheerah".
Newsflash: There were literal naked women at the time of the Prophet. There were scantily clad women at his time. Belly dancers, strip teasing etc existed at his time. Men would also pass around their own wives, sisters, and daughters to men of other tribes for political purposes. THESE kinds of women are what the Prophet pbuh talked about. It does NOT refer to any other women.
Here is a video I did a few years back on this:
Here is a question I asked on an Islamic scholarly forum:
Key points of the video:
-Hijab, niqab, burka, jilbaab are not requirements in Islam. Women who don't wear it are not showing "tabarruj". Men who have female family that don't wear these kinds of arab clothes, they are not "dayooth".
-Men are aroused and lust after scantily clad women, or women who are doing something sexual (which by the way can easily be done by women who wear hijab, niqab etc).