Friday, January 31, 2025

3 Islamic subs on Reddit you need to stay away from

1) r/Quraniyoon: Comprised of Quran alone cult

2) r/Progressive_Islam: Comprised of liberal Muslims who believe Islam isn't liberal enough

3) r/TraditionalMuslims: Comprised of munafiq men and holier than thou women who spread incel/mgtow bullshit. They believe Islam isn't "chad" enough. They make up fake stories of Muslim women and their virginities. They use Islam to justify it. Guaranteed these munafiqs will be punished by Allah in the hereafter. Several Islamic subs have permanently banned them.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

You are WRONG about dayooth and gheerah

There has been a crazy trend in the last few years where the sight of a Muslim woman is automatically termed as "tabarruj", and her male relatives are "dayooth" who have no "gheerah". 

Newsflash: There were literal naked women at the time of the Prophet. There were scantily clad women at his time. Belly dancers, strip teasing etc existed at his time. Men would also pass around their own wives, sisters, and daughters to men of other tribes for political purposes. THESE kinds of women are what the Prophet pbuh talked about. It does NOT refer to any other women.

Here is a video I did a few years back on this:

Here is a question I asked on an Islamic scholarly forum:

Key points of the video:
-Hijab, niqab, burka, jilbaab are not requirements in Islam. Women who don't wear it are not showing "tabarruj". Men who have female family that don't wear these kinds of arab clothes, they are not "dayooth".

-Men are aroused and lust after scantily clad women, or women who are doing something sexual (which by the way can easily be done by women who wear hijab, niqab etc).

Monday, January 27, 2025

Dear Muslims, STOP using Twitter/X

Twitter, or X, is owned by the Islamophobic racist Elon Musk. He's also a rabid zionist. There is no reason to generate revenue for such a human if you are a true Muslim. You can get on any of it's competitors, but DITCH the platform.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Islam DISCOURAGES polygamy

This is a FACT. This is not a "liberal feminist" take, this is the ACTUAL ISLAMIC position. You can cry about it, I really don't care. If you watch my Youtube videos or followed me on Twitter, you would know how I always have the displeasure of engaging with Salafiyya, red pill/incel Muslims, and the pick me holier than thou women. You know that these filthy devient, (and often times kaffir) people love trolling in the name of Islam. They love getting under the skin of other Muslims. They are sadistic. One thing they always say is how Islam "encourages", or even "commands" men to take more than one wife. And if you disagree, then you are a "feminized" man, or a "feminazi" woman. These munafiqs who say this have less knowledge on Islam than a child. They have the same IQ as Islamophobes. The fact will always remain until the Quran and Sunnah are around until the end of the world, that Islam does NOT ENCOURAGE men to take additional wives. MONOGAMY is the norm in Islam. Here are links to Islamic websites that prove this:,encourage%20them%20to%20do%20so.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A "convert" who commits terror was never Muslim to begin with

The recent attack in New Orleans was done by a "convert" to Islam. We have seen it MULTIPLE times before, where a "convert" goes crazy and kills innocent people for no reason.

These "converts" are never Muslim. They remain as kaffir. The only reason they "convert" is because they want to take Muslims down with them.

Fuck them.