Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Islam does NOT allow you to judge others

The following are two videos by conservative Muslim scholars: Mufti Menk and Noman Ali Khan. Of course, many don't agree with what they say, but they are on point here about judging being haram:

Now we know people in certain cultures (ESPECIALLY Pakistani) love judging and gossiping about others. Just like many things in Muslim cultures, they don't arise from Islam, but through ignorant cultural practices. We see from the Quran (49:12) how it is haram to negatively assume about others. We see in many places in the Quran that Allah is the only judge and the only one who knows who is guided and misguided. So clearly, the cultures are wrong.

However, what has happened recently it that right wing backwards Muslims have attacked back saying it is their Islamic right to "guide" others. You're finding this everywhere on every conservative, orthodox, right wing Muslim social platform. And of course, Muslims from cultures where judgmental degeneracy is the norm, have now been Islamically inspired to continue to act like idiots. That is why strange Muslims are messaging our sisters and daughters on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and telling them to have "sharam" and "haya". That is why random idiots at the masjid are yelling across the street and criticizing our dress or appearance. These people are now inspired in the name of Islam to aggressively judge. They think they will stand next to Allah on judgement day and help him cast people to hell.

Let me tell you a story. In my criminology class at university, we learned a lot about youths who live in the streets. They ran away from abusive and broken homes, and now have to survive through prostitution and theft. We also had speakers from the police department come in and talk about this issue. Something that they mentioned (which was also mentioned in our textbooks) was that there were a large amount of young girls from south Asia and the Middle East who made up street youth. This isn't that much of a surprise to me. My city is full of new immigrants from Muslim countries. Those of us who know how Muslims can be from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Arab countries will realize it is much better to be on the streets than live in such homes. Now, think about how these young Muslim girls are viewed by other Muslims. "She's a whore", "She's a bitch", "she's a kaffir", and so on. They jump to these words without knowing WHY they are on the streets in the first place.

Similarly, we can think of Karima El Mahroug, the mistress of the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. When news broke out that it was a Muslim mistress, I read comments on YouTube and news outlets to see what Muslims would say. Well, you guessed it. Nothing but horrible comments. But have a look at WHY Karima does what she does:

Yep, that's right. She came from a sexually abusive household. That is why she ran on to the street. Do Muslims care? Nope. They will still attack her for dress, appearance, and actions.

Let me tell you this, when it comes to social issues or issues within the Muslim community, don't expect help from Muslims. Muslims have the WORST responses and thoughts. This is why so many young Muslims choose western and secular resources, because they actually do something to help. I have said this before, the problems you find in the Muslim community are problems you will ONLY ever find in the Muslim community. Moreover, the responses to these problems are response you will ONLY ever find in Muslim communities. Muslim institutions and organizations (except secular and liberal ones) are NEVER there for you.


  1. Nazar E Bad Door Karne Ka Wazifa In Hindi ,” Buri nazar can wreck your life without a moment’s notice. It can destroy all that you have made in your reality in a minute. Your accomplishments, achievement and satisfaction all will be in vest, on the off chance that somebody has an awful eye on them.

  2. So I married a Muslim man, but he is white. I am Pakistani. This is some kind of plague that ravages Pakistan where if you marry anyone that isn't Pakistani or worse isn't your immediate cousin you are a disgrace and disgusting and horrible. In fact, my husband is a better Muslim than my brothers and already knows more than them. Because my parents decided to teach my sis and I more about islam than they did to the boys. Anyway, my parents have told my family back home that my husband is Pakistani because although he is white he can get away with looking like a north Pakistani. This is because I bet most of them will have a heart attack if they find out my husband is white American. Not only that a bunch of Pakistanis didn't go to my wedding party because they didn't want their children seeing that my husband is white. Keep in mind I'm doing nothing haraam here. Also recently my moms Pakistani friends cameto her house to tell her to "quickly" get my other siblings married to Pakistanis before something "happens". Meaning before they follow in their big sisters footsteps of marrying a man of another race which she helped revert. Naturally both women have daughters who are of "marrying age" and not married, but somehow they think my mom should be told this. My mom rightfully shamed them after she asked about their daughters. No wonder Pakistan is in such a horrible place and has been for awhile. Ugly angry maulvis or whatever go around instilling their fear into the hearts of the uneducated poor Pakistanis which makes up the majority of the country. Telling them lies to get them riled up about who is going to hell and who isn't.
