If you read the content on this blog, you've realized why the fitnah caused in this ummah is by those who think they're practicing Islam and using this religion for hatred, insults, bloodshed, oppression and so on. What I've written here is evident throughout the Muslim world. These are the people who make your blood boil. I've written about extremists who cause people to become apostates and how they ruin the image of Islam for everyone, and how their activities causes hatred and violence against Muslims. These are the ones whom I also mentioned in a 24-point article. NO ONE has caused for fitnah than these abu lahab worshipping pigs. For those who don't know, Abu Lahab is an individual already condemned to hell according to the Quran for his atrocities against the Prophet Muhammed and his people
Justifying haraam acts with Islam is the greatest form of blasphemy, ever. These idiots come with big beards, the black flags, and throw around quran verses left and right. They try to stun you with their "knowledge", when its just their plain stupidity. And they only quote from their own species (their "imams" and "scholars"). These morons are found everywhere (youtube, forums, facebook) and look like such FOOLS the way they present Islam.
Now the above should get any sane minded Muslim angry. But there's another category, and these ones cause you to feel incredibly sad. Look, when you see a Muslim drinking alcohol, going to college parties, dressing in tight, short, and revealing clothes, when you see them gamble, when you see them have boyfriends and girlfriends, and when they openly talk about fornicating, you FEEL it. You feel strike of pain in your heart. These Muslims could have avoided all of this if they were properly taught Islam. One thing I will give this category is that they don't use Islam to justify wrong things, like the above group does. On an Islamic scale, this second group is like a pious God fearing Muslim, compared to the first group. Like I said, the first group is obsessed with worshipping abu Lahab. They are a species whom will make up the fuel for hell.
So anyways, many of us like watching our Pakistani/indian dramas and movies. I'm not into it that much, but I can still identify with the people that do watch. Many of the shows and movies are fine, but there's certain actors who just break our hearts. Sometimes there's kissing scenes (I know I know, its just acting right? But so is pornography)., sometimes theres scenes of alcohol, or dirty clothing and dirty dances. Speaking of dances, I have no problem with them. Whether they are on tv or at weddings, there's nothing wrong with them as that is our culture. BUT there's standards. When it involves dirty poses, then it becomes haraam. The same goes for clothing. I don't believe in hijabs or burkas. BUT again, there's standards. If the clothing is too tight or revealing or short, then it becomes haraam. There's also many Muslims in Bollywood. Too many of them are engaging in tight, revealing, short clothes, and haraam scenes. Like I've said before, those who engage in these acts cause many of us to feel sad. Its only natural if you are a practicing Muslim to feel this way when you see someone of the same faith as you openly committing sins.
For example, here in Canada we have a beauty pageant called Miss Pakistan. Pakistani women from around the world come and dress in bikinis and other provocative and offensive clothing. If we confront them, then they say we should be worried about more important things, like the status of women in Pakistan. And that's true. We need to fix that up. But running around in bikinis is definitely not the answer. It makes me wonder, if the status of women in Pakistan was MUCH BETTER than it is right now, would these women be competing in these pageants? If they would, then what would be their response? And would it not be easier to guide them back to islam?
It's definitely necessary that we educate ourselves and others about Islam. BUT we shouldn't over do it or go to extreme, nor should we determine whatever we feel like as haraam. Wearing bikinis will NOT help your cause. And just a side not, those please don't compare us to extremists if we object to bikinis or other haraam clothing. Just because we against what is openly against Islam does not mean we are like those who use this religion to oppress others, especially women. I am not that person. And I'm heavily against the ones who do engage in that kind of behavior (as if it wasn't obvious enough already), but I'm also against those who try to justify things that are openly against our religion (in this very case I'm talking about bikinis, alcohol, gambling, etc).
Some of us have seen our muslim friends on Facebook, whom unfortunately show a different side. There's pictures and videos of haraam things, and there's "relationship status's" that tell about how they are in a relationship with someone. People need to realize this hurts other Muslims. If you're gonna engage in this type of activity, why show it off while still saying you're a good Muslim?? And then on top of this, we have fellow Muslims saying "aww you two look so cute" and stuff like that. Muslims are congratulating other Muslims for sinful relationships.
So the second category really irks other Muslims. I don't (and I'm sure many of you don't either) like going to school or work and seeing MSA students or Muslim co-workers engaged in haraam things. This itself, has implications. The ones who engage in this activity don't realize it but it makes us feel bad when we see these things. It's like a dagger through the heart. Now don't think that what I think haraam is refers to music, being hijbaless, women working/dancing/playing sports in front of men (shocker!). Because I'M NOT that person. The haraam I refer to is the universal agreement on what haraam things are.
Now I'm going to stop saying haraam.
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