Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The hadith about Muslims taking sides with non-Muslims rather than Muslims

I have written how Western countries are much better for muslims, especially women. I wrote this on YouTube, and I got some responses saying how I love the kuffar, how I love the west, and how I favor non-muslims over Muslims. Once response said there was a hadith about this.

Whether or not that hadith exists, or if its even reliable, I'm gonna shed some light on it. There are dictators in the Muslim world who were put in there by Western interests. There are militaries in the muslim world which side with foreign interests and oppress their own people. So for example, the Shah in Iran who was put in power by American officials. The shah was known to be anti-religious, and anti-democratic. Another example is the Soviet puppet leaders in Afghanistan. They served oppressive Soviet interests (similar policies to that of the Shah). How about another example? Saudi Arabia's leaders serve the West. They are America's top ally. Saudi leaders don't allow poor Muslims to come in, nor do they allow in refugees from other countries.

THIS is what it means when Muslims side with non-muslims. It is ONLY in this specific context.

All of this being said, non-muslims still make better allies and friends than many Muslims. Why? Because Non-muslims less likely to make takfeer, to throw in "biddah" and "shirk" card. They are less likely to use Islam to oppress women and non-muslims, and less likely to enforce the salafi/hardline/insanely FUCKED up views on everybody. They are less likely to make Islam uncomfortable, and less likely to harass Muslims for being against their views. They are less likely to raid marriage celebration videos on YouTube and harass everyone for "haraam" activity (99% of the time there is nothing haraam). They are MORE likely to congratulate the married couple, say how pretty the bride is, and wish them good luck in their marriage (of course regular Muslims do this too).

So yea, non-muslims tend to be better than many Muslims (again, I'm talking about the salafis/wahabis, the hardline idiots, and the ones who base their views from culture and literalist interpretations of the Quran and Sunnah).

Why are Muslims responding this way to the Paris attacks?

On online Islamic forums (like ummah, salafitalk, islam awakening) there were threads related to the terrorist attacks in paris. While a majority of the people condemned the attacks (notice how I said majority. There are users on there whom are ISIS, Al Queda, Taliban supporters) the users on there were all targeting other muslims. Why? Because they were fussing about the "pray for paris" hashtag, and the putting up of French flags on facebook and twitter accounts. To them, if muslims took part in these actions, then they were allying themselves with the kufr and engaging in biddah, making us kaffir or munafiqs. Even after they were told there is no actual praying going on (this hashtag emerged in France, a country where most don't believe the existence of God), but just showing sympathy for the victims, they STILL stood firm on their beliefs of "bidda" and "kufr".

This is the bullshit we have  to deal with. These ignorant and moronic salafi muslims are a real problem. Its even more saddening is that they aren't all from muslim countries where literalist interpretations combined with culture and degenerate clerics form their views. Many of them are from western countries who think this "Islam" is the only one true way.

This is how low our ummah has become.

Look at the sheer hypocrisy by Muslim men!

I came across this on google, so I clicked on it. It looks like a dating site. Read the following:

"That's not true I am an afghan girl who loves black men and I have friends that agree with me but their a rare breed at where I live which is quite unfortunate. Don't feel discouraged. "The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice""

And then, Afghan men, who are users on this site, responded to her (except for the middle comment):


"your clearly a dump cunt who needs to be put down"


1 Xper

Girl u rock. Fuck em haters!


"You are not in Afghan"

Why are the muslim men on this in the first place???? What idiots!